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What is the best Password in the World

by Chhavi Madaan

Everyone wants to create a password that is strong, unique and difficult for anyone to guess. With the technology being developed a lot, it is now much more convenient for one to crack others’ passwords and get access to private data. Owing to this, people want to secure their data with a unique password. But how? This can be easily done by securing the best password in the world for yourself.

The Best Password in the World

There is no such concrete and strong password already present in the world; meaning, you have to make a strong password (using different characters, numbers and signs) that will be more than strong enough to be accessed by anyone using any technology. 

According to a source, for a common password to be cracked, it takes even less than a second. And thus, you have to carefully curate a strong password. Here are some guidelines and tips following which you can make the strongest password in the world:

  1. Use more characters: The more characters you use, the better and stronger the password you will be able to create. You should use a minimum of 8 characters or more at least in your password, but no less than 8 characters. If you use fewer characters, it would be very much easier for anyone to get the password.
  2. Use more specialised symbols, characters & numbers: Make sure that your password is not only enriched with the characters or numbers; there should also be the equal use of special characters or symbols in your password to make it stronger enough.
  3. Frequently use password manager: Password manager is a verified service to manage your passwords. With the frequent use of password managers, you can more smoothly use the strong password and you do not have to even remember it or note it down anywhere; all will be directly managed by the password manager.
  4. Use tricky words with at least a character in it: While choosing your password ensure that it is not a very easy word with more characters and without any special character or number present in it. That is because when you choose a simple word (suppose a name), it does not matter what length the character is, it gets easy to be accessed. So, use a tricky word with a special character included in it.
  5. Add both upper & lower case: A unique & difficult password is impossible without the use of, either an upper or a lower case, in it. Thus, do not forget to add an upper or a lower case in your password.



The above-given password is an example of a strong password. It is a long password generated according to the given information explained above. It contains uppercase and lowercase letters, special characters and numbers. You can create passwords for yourself by following these methods and keeping your data secured from hacking.

Also Read: What Is The Hardest Password?

Summing Up

Hopefully, you have gotten an idea about what is the best password in the world and how you can make it so that all your data will remain encrypted & secured all through.

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