GeneralHow Can I Remember My Gmail Password? by Chhavi Madaan April 8, 2022 by Chhavi Madaan April 8, 2022 146 viewsTable of ContentsWith the exponential growth in the technology sector, the generation has rightfully shifted to the online channels for communication –Gmail, Twitter, Yahoo & others are few of those major channels for communication. These channels of communication play a vital role in our lives; especially Gmail ( which is used for all official purposesAs these things have more importance and contain official and authentic data, it is really necessary to make sure that it is absolutely safe & encrypted. This is why these applications are Password Protected. Furthermore, to ensure the safety, Gmail has provided strict guidelines following which the password for the Gmail account is directed to be created. Well, the problem here is – these passwords are so difficult to be remembered. So, how to remember these passwords?Here are a few tricks and techniques elaborated following which you can easily remember your Gmail password. Let’s have a look on them:Use The Password ManagerSometimes we set a too heavy password for our Gmail account in order to make the data safe & secure. But, we ourselves forgot and could not remember the password. To solve this problem, the first solution in the row is, use a password manager. Password manager is an application specifically designed to remember your login information and help you at the time of next lesson login. This application is encrypted and secured and won’t share your login info or password with any other source.Save The Password In The PhoneNext option for you to remember your Gmail password easily & safely is – save it in your phone. Your phone have a lot of options available, you can easily save the password in your phone. And look after it whenever you login to your Gmail account.Note It Down In A NotebookApart from the options mentioned above, you can also note your password in a notebook. Even though this is not secured and in case someone gets access to your notebook and comes across the password, it won’t be good & safe for you, but you can go with it as well.Use A Combination Of Password Which You Can Easily RememberMostly we are unable to remember our Gmail password because we make it extremely tricky keeping in mind the safety purpose; but we also have the option to use a combination in the password which is easy for us to remember. By doing this, without using any application or noting the password anywhere, we can easily remember it.Also Read: How Do You Know What Your Password Is?Save It Automatically In Your BrowserWhen for the first time you log in your Gmail account or at the time of setting the password for your Gmail an option pops up in your screen asking you to allow access to your password ( this is safe). Once you allow it, the password automatically gets saved in your browser and directly accesses you into the information.ConclusionGmail is extremely important for us, not only because it is used for official purposes but also because it has a lot of our personal data. So, to make sure that it is absolutely safe, we set a tough password which becomes difficult to remember sometimes. But, by following the above-mentioned tricks & amp; techniques you can easily remember your Gmail password. Invest Your MoneyInvestmentInvestmentsMy Gmail PasswordRemember My Gmail Password Share 0 FacebookTwitterWhatsapp Chhavi Madaan previous post Top 20 Ways Suggested – How Can I Earn From Home? next post What is the best Password in the World You may also like Alvida Song Lyrics – Arpan Singh June 9, 2023 Kam Toh Nahi Song Lyrics – Payal Dev June 8, 2023 Naseeb Se Song Lyrics – Satya Prem Ki Katha –... June 8, 2023 Cheekh Song Lyrics – G Khan June 8, 2023 Obsessed Song Lyrics – Riar Saab, Abhijay Sharma June 8, 2023 Faraar Song Lyrics – Simiran Kaur Dhadli June 8, 2023