Home » The Dark Truth Behind Pirated Games Be Alert!

The Dark Truth Behind Pirated Games Be Alert!

by Chhavi Madaan

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Many Game players have concerns about buying original games because they believe that first and foremost, a large amount of money will be reimbursed, and secondly, a great deal of information will be required to install an original game, whereas illegally downloaded games are freely available, and some of them are even accessible in stored editions, so you don’t need that much information to install as the original one. So, instead of wasting so much money on our personal favorites,they think it would be better to install cracked editions that are freely available.

If you, as a user, believe that illegally downloaded games are helpful to you, you are mistaken, and you have no clue about the dark truth behind such infringing games. You have no idea how these illegally downloaded games can damage your computer or your important files.

How Do Illegally Downloaded Game Resellers Make More money?

There are innumerable websites offering loads of free Computer games that have been breached by the cyber attackers who function for those internet sites. So, instead of just the originals, which cost between 2000 and 5000 rupees, these sites offer the free games. The methods they use to make money are listed below.

  1. It Is Feasible for Illegally downloaded Games to Lie to Antivirus software– Essentially, cyber attackers corrupt the original release documents by inserting computer viruses, Crypto jacking Operating systems, or malware. As a result, when a user downloads these pirated games on their device, malware is also placed about which the operator is unaware of. Furthermore, if the operator examines the device manager to see what’s really going on in the background, he will be unable to recognize those computer viruses. Most of the time, malware misleads our computer systems’ virus protection. However, if you buy an actual game from a reputable source, you would never realize anything at all like deactivating virus protection or other nonsense before installing.
  2. Mining Operating system Is Much More Dangerous Than You Assume- Let’s take a look at how these cyber attackers make money using mining programs. Basically, when this mining app is deployed in the software application via illegally downloaded games, varying sorts of cryptos begin to deposit in that device, leading to huge earnings for the attacker. As a result of those compiled codes, the clients suffer significant damage. Because this mining app uses the device’s Graphics processing Unit, processing speed for mining, it straightforwardly draws a significant amount of money to the hacking group, and undoubtedly, if the CPU and GPU do a lot of encoding, they will begin to consume more energy. As a result, your power bill will rise. Secondly, because this mining app strongly loads the CPU and GPU, the device will slow down and, as a result, the device’s existence will be reduced.
  3. Malware should be avoided– You probably have heard of data breaches, and if you haven’t, here’s the long and short of it: Cyber attackers encode your information and deliver the cryptographic keys with them. In that scenario, in order to obtain the key, you must pay them the extortion money within a certain span of time. If you don’t, they will surely ruin your information forever, though in most cases, having received the extortion money, the cyber attackers do not offer the key to their victims.
  4. A Contagious Botmaster Is Contacting Your Computer- Another way for cyber attackers to benefit is to generate malicious nodes. Actually, a botnet is a group formed and attached with infected systems that allows hackers to conduct large-scale illegal actions. As a result, if your desktop becomes a guilty party of a botmaster, it becomes a major issue for you.

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