GamesWhat is Frame Rate and Why is it Important to PC Gaming? by Chhavi Madaan February 3, 2022 by Chhavi Madaan February 3, 2022 138 viewsTable of ContentsFrame rate is one of the most important aspects of PC gaming. It determines how smooth your gameplay will be and can affect your overall experience. In this article, we’ll discuss what frame rate is and why it’s so important to PC gaming.So, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced PC gamer, read on to learn everything you need to know about frame rate!What is Frame Rate?Your frame rate is your PC’s refresh rate. Basically, it tells you how many times per second your monitor updates the image on the screen. This means that if you’re playing a game at 60 FPS (frames per second), for example, your monitor will update itself sixty times every second to show what’s happening in-game.If your frame rate is low, the game will seem choppy or sluggish. However, if it’s high, you can expect silky smooth gameplay. The higher your frame rate is , the better your PC will perform.Why is Frame Rate Important?So, now that you know what frame rates are, why are they so important for PC gaming? Well, they can affect how smooth your gameplay is. If you have a low frame rate, the game will feel unresponsive and choppy. Furthermore, if you’re unable to achieve certain frame rates for some reason (like outdated drivers), the game might even stutter or stop completely.Also, your high or low frame rates can affect your gameplay experience. If you have a low frame rate, objects in the game might seem to pop up out of nowhere or disappear right before your eyes.And finally, if your FPS is too high, you might even see things that aren’t there. For example, if your frame rate is 300+, then an enemy that’s far away will seem to appear right in front of you.Frame Rate OptimizationIf your frame rate is low, there are many factors that could be causing it. The first thing you should do before trying any fixes is update all your PC drivers to the latest versions . Also, make sure your graphics card isn’t overheating and disable any power-saving options.In terms of software, try disabling any unnecessary background programs that you don’t need while playing. Also, make sure Windows is running smoothly by using the Windows 10 Performance Guide. If you’re a beginner and none of this sounds familiar to you, visit A Beginner’s Guide to PC Gaming.Lastly, if none of these options work, you might have a faulty piece of hardware somewhere. To find out if that’s the case, check our Hardware Diagnostics Guide.How a High Frame Rate Impacts Video Performance and Quality?One major factor that impacts video performance and quality is frame rate. We’ll discuss how it influences both of these aspects below.Impact on Video PerformanceA higher frame rate can have a positive impact on your video experience, but only if it’s high enough to achieve the smooth playback you need. For example, if you’re watching a video at 25 FPS, the video might seem choppy or jerky. However, if you up your frame rate to 50 FPS, the video will playback smoothly.Impact on Video QualityFrame rate can also affect video quality in certain situations . For example, because it determines how smooth the playback is , a high frame rate means that you’re less likely to see compression artefacts. So, if you’re watching a relatively low quality video and the frame rate is low, then you might start seeing artefacts like pixelation or colour banding. However, if your frame rate is high, these annoying compression issues will be much less noticeable.Add Your Heading Text HereNow that you know what frame rates are, why they matter in video games, and how to optimise them , it’s time to discuss why you should care about your PC’s frame rate.First, high frame rates offer a much better gameplay experience. If your game runs at low FPS, everything might seem choppy or sluggish. However, if it runs at high FPS, everything will feel silky smooth.Secondly, high frame rates can also improve your video experience in some ways. If you have a low frame rate while watching videos , then the playback might seem choppy or break up with artefacts. But if you achieve a higher frame rate, the playback should be much smoother.And finally, if you have a high frame rate but your video looks choppy or pixelated , then something else is wrong with the playback. Your video might be set at a lower resolution than it should be or it could be compressed by low bitrate. Either way, make sure to read our guide on how to fix other common VLC problems.Is Higher FPS Better?The short answer is yes. A higher frame rate provides for smoother video, so when you rapidly aim your weapon at a target or zip around a tight bend in a race car, everything ahead of you is clear in focus. However, there’s a limit to this smoothness , and it varies depending on the hardware you’re running.If your PC can’t properly handle the game, then your FPS won’t be able to meet your expectations. For example, if you try playing Overwatch at 4K and get an average of 15 FPS, then you’ll probably notice that the gameplay feels sluggish or choppy. This might be due to a weak graphics card, which you can fix by buying a GTX 1080 ti , for example.If your PC can handle the game but it’s still not meeting your expectations, then there’s likely an issue elsewhere that needs to be fixed.Is 60fps Good for Gaming?The short answer is yes, but it depends on the game and your PC. If you’re playing a non-competitive shooter like Overwatch or Minecraft, then you can get away with achieving lower frame rates than 60fps. For example, if you achieve an average of 30-40 FPS , then the gameplay will still feel smooth and silky.However, if you’re playing a competitive shooter like CS:GO or Battlefield, then you’ll need an average of 60 FPS or higher to achieve smooth gameplay.How Much Frame Rate Does Your PC Need?This all depends on what games you want to play and how good your eyes are. If you’re looking for a decent yet cheap gaming monitor , then you might need to go for something with a 60Hz refresh rate or higher. However, if your PC is powerful enough to play most games at high settings and achieve an average of 90 FPS , then you can opt for a monitor with lower refresh rates like 50 Hz or 55 Hz.However, if your gaming monitor has a higher refresh rate, then you’re less likely to experience screen tearing , which is what happens when your PC’s FPS falls below the monitor’s native refresh rate.ConclusionIn summary, FPS matters for gaming and other multimedia experiences. In between competitive games, lower frame rates can lead to a better gameplay experience, while higher rates are best suited for lighter genres like Minecraft or Overwatch.Moreover, if you have a high frame rate but your video still looks choppy or pixelated, then there might be an issue with the playback. Make sure to read our article on fixing other common VLC problems if you’re having issues playing videos when your FPS is high. Frame rateGamesGamingPC Gaming Share 0 FacebookTwitterWhatsapp Chhavi Madaan previous post What Are The 7 Types Of Digital Marketing? next post Wired Vs. Wireless: Which Gaming Mouse Should You Choose For Gaming? You may also like Which Mouse DPI Do I Really Need For FPS Gaming? May 10, 2022 What is ping/latency, what’s a Good Ping in Gaming and... May 10, 2022 What Will Happen If We Play Pirated Games On PC? May 9, 2022 The Dark Truth Behind Pirated Games Be Alert! May 9, 2022 Wired Vs. Wireless: Which Gaming Mouse Should You Choose For... February 3, 2022 Why Does an Ordinary Mouse Don’t Work for Gamers? February 3, 2022