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Name A Sweet Dessert After Dinner

by Chhavi Madaan

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Well, everyone loves a good meal followed by a delicious dessert . It is just like a cherry on the top. A little sweet does not hurt anyone. Let us talk in detail about the different desserts you can eat after dinner. When you think of sweets or desserts, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Maybe an ice cream or a cake. But desserts are not limited to that, there are many options to explore.

1. Chocolate Brownies

Chocolate Brownies

A brownie is basically made from chocolate and is a delicious dessert. You should definitely try it. It can be rectangular or square  shaped. These are soft, chewy to eat. They have a shiny layer on top (top crust). Ingredients used to make a brownie are butter, eggs, flour, vanilla essence, dried fruits, baking powder, cocoa powder, a little salt and sugar. These are very good and irresistible and you should definitely try it.

2. Pie


A pie is a type of pastry cake that includes fruit, meat or vegetables. This is  a baked dish usually made using pastry dough filled with sweet or savoury flavours. It is made in various parts of the world and is very popular among people. It can be in different varieties like an apple pie, a pumpkin, an American pie etc. It has a hard crust from the outside and has a delicious filling inside. You Must surely go for it .

3. Instant cake

Instant cake

Now, this is something you really don’t want to miss. This is fun and can be done quickly. If you feel like eating something delicious but are too lazy to do something, just make this. It can be made from scratch in just a few minutes and could be a delicious meal for you. Just mix baking powder, cocoa powder, sugar, a little salt, butter and milk together and bake, and it is ready to eat.

4. Pudding


It is a delicious dessert that you will not be able to resist. It can be made with a variety of ingredients such as fruit, vanilla and milk and can be flavoured. It can also be a great meal. It is naturally sweet and is very popular among people. It can be in different varieties such as a chocolate pudding, a bread pudding, a raspberry pudding, a date pudding etc.

5. Cookies


Cookies are something that everyone loves. They are baked, nutritious and soft. A cookie just melts in your mouth and is something you can continue to eat. You can buy them at the market or make them at the comfort of your own home. There are several types of cookies such as bar cookies, moulded cookies, discarded cookies, compressed cookies, refrigerated cookies and rolled cookies. They are also available in various flavours such as chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, milk cookies, butter cookies, sugar cookies, etc.

These are some of the desserts available that you can eat after dinner and they are all equally delicious.

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