by Chhavi Madaan

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It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of living a healthy and fit lifestyle. We all want to be lean and toned, with washboard abs and sculpted arms. But the truth is, achieving that goal is a lot harder than it seems. It takes time and dedication, not to mention plenty of hard work. If you’re looking to make health and fitness a part of your lifestyle, here are some tips that can help!

Start Each Day With a Protein-Rich Breakfast

While you might think it’s okay to skip breakfast and simply grab a muffin or sugary donut on the way to work, this actually leads to more cravings and overeating later in the day. Instead of trying to fight that temptation, make sure you start each day off with a protein-rich breakfast. Not only will it help prevent cravings, but it will also give you energy for the day ahead.

Ideally, try to make breakfast a balanced meal. This means including lots of healthy carbs (such as fruit), some lean protein (eggs are great!), and plenty of fiber (oatmeal is ideal). These foods are all full of nutrients that your body needs to function well each day and will keep you feeling full for longer.

Knock Out an Hour of Intervals Per Week

According to most fitness experts, short and intense workout sessions are the best way to get in shape fast. But how does one go about working out with intensity? It’s actually easier than you might think! One great option is to try HIIT training (high-intensity interval training). This type of workout goes by many names, but it usually involves a series of bodyweight exercises that get more difficult as you go along.

Of course, it’s always a good idea to check with a doctor before starting a new fitness routine. But once you have the green light from your healthcare provider, an hour each week of HIIT training can be very beneficial for your health and wellness.

Do Some Late-Night Visualizations

Working out regularly is great, but it has to fit into your lifestyle. If you’re someone who finds yourself to be very busy during the day, sometimes it’s hard to find time for workouts. That said, if you can’t work exercise into your daily routine, try doing some late-night visualizations.

All you have to do is lie in bed and visualize yourself going through a couple of rounds of a HIIT workout. Visualizing your workouts can actually help reduce stress, which makes it easier to fall asleep at night – and you’ll wake up feeling refreshed!

Work On Your Weaknesses

When you first start out, it’s easy to focus on what you do well. For example, if you love swimming and always feel great after a few laps of the pool, by all means, keep going! But don’t forget about your weaknesses either – because they need attention too! Everyone has an area where they struggle. Maybe it’s running, or lifting weights, or maybe you just lack stamina. Whatever it is, make sure you spend some time trying to improve upon it! It might be frustrating at times (and boring too), but incremental improvement over the long term is the only way to achieve your fitness goals.

Toss Out the Processed Foods

If you want to make health and fitness a part of your lifestyle, the first thing you have to do is eliminate all processed foods from your diet. Processed foods are full of things that are bad for you – additives, preservatives, lots of sodium, etc. And just because something says “healthy” or claims to be organic doesn’t mean it’s free of these things – you really have to check the ingredients!

If you make a point of cutting out processed foods, your body will reward you with more energy and better health. You’ll lose weight too, which makes sticking to an exercise routine that much easier.

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Pay Attention to Rest Periods

Working out regularly is great for your health, but hard workouts can sometimes do more harm than good. This especially becomes an issue if you’re trying to lose weight. For example, if you run on the treadmill every day, then it might seem like too much cardio and not enough lifting.

But if you work out in a way that’s balanced and uses a variety of different muscles, you’ll be able to stay in shape while also recovering from your workouts. In other words, you won’t feel totally exhausted all the time!

Other things that lead to poor recovery include too much exercise, not enough sleep, and improper nutrition. That’s why it’s important to take lots of rest periods during your workouts. This is just as important for HIIT workouts because it gives your body time to recuperate between rounds.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

Staying positive is key to sticking with an exercise routine. One great way to keep yourself motivated is by keeping a gratitude journal. Every night, make it a point to write down five things you’re thankful for. These can be little things like the delicious meal you ate earlier in the day, or bigger things like your health, family, friends.

The point of this exercise is to train your brain to focus on the positive. Human beings tend to dwell on negative things, and this can definitely work against you when it comes time for workouts. But if you keep a gratitude journal every day, then you’ll start thinking about all the great things in your life – and working out will be far less of a struggle!

Get Some Soft Tissue Work

Whether you have a desk job or spend all day on your feet, chances are good that you’re going to need some soft tissue work. If you sit in one position for too long, it can cause tension and stress along the spine, which is when muscles start to tighten up.

This problem will only get worse when it comes time for workouts because now you’re trying to move around under tense muscles. This is why it’s important to get some soft tissue work every now and then. You don’t need someone else doing it for you – just find an inexpensive massage table or invest in a foam roller so you can do the work yourself!

Seek Out a Great Training Partner

Working out is far more enjoyable when you have someone to share the experience with. It’s easy to get lost in your own thoughts when you’re exercising alone, but it can be much more enjoyable if you’re having conversations with somebody else.

And this is especially important when it comes time for HIIT workouts. Anyone who has ever done HIIT knows that it can be a serious struggle. But if you have a great training partner, you’ll be able to encourage each other and stay motivated over the long term.

HIIT workouts are a lot of work, but they also lead to some great results. And with all the tips in this article, you should have no problem putting together a great workout routine!

Consistently Shoot For 8 Hours of Sleep

To truly recover from HIIT workouts, you’ll need to get at least eight hours of sleep. If you manage less than that, then your body won’t be able to recuperate and you’ll feel constantly tired and stressed out.

So make it a point to consistently shoot for 8 hours of sleep every night. There’s no way around it – if you want to recover from HIIT and get the most out of your workouts, then 8 hours is where you need to be. On a related note, never go to bed in the middle of a workout.

For example, if you’re still doing HIIT workouts when they start at 9:00 pm, then wait until 10:00 pm to go to bed. That way you can be sure that your hard workouts didn’t keep you up until the middle of the night!

And if this isn’t possible because of work, school, or family obligations, then make it a point to take a mid-day nap. A short catnap will give you enough of a boost to get through whatever’s left of your day.


As you can see, truly making health and fitness a lifestyle is about so much more than just hitting the gym 5-6 days per week.

It’s about making changes to your entire lifestyle so that you don’t even have to think about working out or eating healthier. It should be something that just happens naturally due to all of the decisions you make every day.

If you follow these tips, then getting fit and healthy will be a lot easier for you. But if not, then it’s going to be a struggle and you’ll never even come close to reaching your full potential in life.

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