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 How To Make Health And Fitness a Lifestyle

by Chhavi Madaan

These days, people are suffering from diseases which are a result of poor lifestyle practices. Diabetes is one such disease which has affected approximately 1 billion population in India. There are many diseases which occur due to poor eating habits, consuming unhealthy stuff in the form of drinks, lack of workouts, and not following a proper schedule. These activities result in a poor lifestyle and cause chronic diseases

According to a report published by WHO, 61% of total deaths in 2005 was because of chronic diseases and this percentage will increase to 70% by the year 2030. It was also stated in the reports that out of the total burden of diseases, 49% were chronic diseases and it will increase to 56% by 2030. The percentage estimate reveals that it is high time we should shift our focus from curing diseases to improving our lifestyle, which is the root of every modern health problem.

The effects of narcotics and alcohol have been mentioned in the textbooks of our education system, but somewhere we are lagging in implementing them in real life. These substances do not harm us immediately, but we get to see accumulated effects after years in the form of  chronic diseases. Similarly, our textbooks and teachers tell us about the importance of early morning exercise but we ignore it in the lieu of a hectic schedule. Society woke up recently from a deep sleep post-pandemic situation. If Covid-19 did not come, we would be procrastinators and never practice exercises. If one wishes to live a long and healthy life, the basic emphasis must be on their fitness. If the immune system is strong, we will not be affected by diseases frequently. We can include in our daily life a few easy things to improve our overall health and fitness-

  • Some activity in the morning-  It is not necessary that you go and hit the gym every morning. Any activity of your choice can be done in the morning. Generally, it is advisable that before beginning rigorous training you should practice activities like brisk walking, running, and jogging for a few months. This maintains body flexibility and avoids muscle tears.
  • Breakfast- Many people avoid eating food in the morning. This is a serious mistake which may cause damage to your body in future. The body has fasted for 8 to 10 hours already during the night before. Therefore, it needs energy in the form of breakfast. Some of us love to eat fried items or food filled with carbohydrates and fat. A protein-rich diet should be included in the breakfast meal. For better results, you should consult a nutritionist.
  • Meditation- This is a beautiful gift to humankind. Meditation can be done either in the morning or in the evening. It can also be performed just before sleeping. You do not need to know specific techniques because they can be followed under the guidance of a trained teacher. Just sit, close your eyes and try to clear your mind of thoughts. This sort of meditation is easy and it does not harm the individual. It is a cleansing process where the mind becomes relaxed and more focused. You can also join online courses offered by many meditation centers and follow their instructions.
  • Packaged items- It is one of the steps you have to take towards becoming fit. Packaged food has higher calories when compared to those which are made at home using raw materials. Even soft drinks are high in sugar content. If you want to cut down your calories, along with exercise, then this step is necessary. Though it is very tough, this can be substituted by fruits or items which are prepared at home.
  • Getting up early-  For people of our generation, getting up early in the morning is the last thing we could do. Our routine is such that we have become night owls and go to sleep late, between 1-3 am. Getting up in the morning by 6 or 7 o’clock and going out to a park for physical activity enhances not only physical strength but also boosts our mental health. We should try to shift the sleeping time, towards 11 p.m., by 15 mins early every day. Getting up early also improves the digestive system and cures constipation.
  • Evening exercises- If you do not have time in the morning, then exercising in the evening is a must. You can go to the nearest gym or you can work out at your home. If neither is possible just go for a fast walk in the colony whenever you return from work. It keeps your body active and refreshes the mood. Exercising 5 days a week is considered good for physical and mental health. Exercises keep away from problems like low mood and depression.
  • Yoga- Including yoga in our daily routine will help us develop immunity against common infections. It also makes our body flexible and helps us build qualities like patience, endurance and a positive Outlook. Yoga can be learnt by yoga experts or through videos on YouTube.
  • Light dinner- It should be taken by 7 p.m. or maximum by 8 o’clock. The food consumed should be fibrous. High-calorie food should be avoided. Salads should be included in the diet.
  • Journal- You must jot down every food you consume in a day. This will help you in keeping a record of junk food or processed food you have taken with friends or colleagues. This diary will help you get out of the vicious circle of eating junk food and feeling guilty. You can also share this with your gym trainer or yoga expert to ask for tips which will help you gain control over your diet.

These are some of the ways by which you can improve your lifestyle bit by bit and start the journey towards a fit and healthy body. There is a proverb which says ‘A healthy mind resides in a healthy body’. This proves the importance of staying fit. If you begin with small efforts you will be an inspiration for fellow people in future. Prevention is always better than cure. Hence, try to change your lifestyle today rather than investing in medicines later.

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