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Everything You Need To know About fitness 

by Chhavi Madaan

What is fitness? This should be the first question to come to our minds when we talk about health and fitness. Fitness is not only keeping your body healthy and muscles toned, but it is also a concept with multidimensional aspects. Physical fitness is nothing if no heed is paid to the mental and emotional health of an individual. You must be aware of hitting the gym and its benefits, but you should also pay attention to your mental fitness and emotional well being. Humans are social beings and require love in attention at each level of life.

The fitness of an individual should be a condition and not a rule. A good mood will elevate us from procrastination and laziness and will force us to do exercise which is impossible when we are in a bad mood. We need to include small activities which help us feel better and also contribute to our healthy and fit body. Going to the gym and undergoing rigorous training is good, but things like spending time with family also play an important role in the well being of a person. During the pandemic, no one was able to socialize. This affected people, making their condition worse. We should focus on overall development as an individual rather than just focusing on Gyming. We will discuss some points which can bring fitness into our life.

  • Rising with the sun– Getting up early in the morning fills us with energy and we feel fresh as a rose. Getting up early also gives us time to practice activities which contribute to our good health. Going for short brisk walking, jogging or running keeps our body active. If you have more time, you can go to the gym and exercise under the guidance of an expert.
  • Healthy breakfast- Consuming fruits or fruit juices in the morning is the best medicine you can give to your body without consulting a doctor. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. This saying is not restricted to books. Avoiding breakfast can lead to serious issues in later days of life. Hence, it is advisable to consume a healthy breakfast.
  • Water-  Consuming water in the morning with an empty stomach energizes our systems. It also flushes out toxins and harmful chemicals from the body. It also maintains the glow of the skin. During the day, 4 to 6 liters of water should be consumed so that blood flow remains normal and there is minimalistic pressure on the kidney.
  • Meditation– It is a practice which was gifted to us by our ancestors. It helps us to remain concentrated and provides relaxation to the mind. It is the path of self-revelation. Meditation can be learnt with the guidance of  experts or through videos on youtube. It should be practiced in the early morning or in the  evening for better results. Practicing meditation helps us keep away issues such as low mood, anxiety and depression.
  • Processed food items- Eating these items should be avoided strictly if you want to make yourself fit. Hitting a gym will show effect, only if proper food is consumed. These items are good to eat but result in lethargy during the day.
  • Talking to people- This may sound ordinary but it is the best gift you can give to yourself. Everyone wants to be socially accepted in some or the other way. Talking to friends and family makes us feel at home and releases additional stress we gain every day. It keeps our mood jovial and discussing problems relieves us. We should also take care of the mental health of our family and friends.
  • Sleeping hours- A proper sleep of 8 hours at night is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and mind. We should never compromise on our sleep, as it affects our decision making and thinking abilities. The sleep should be undisturbed and continuous. Broken sleep can never give a fresh and relaxed body.
  • Workout in the evening- If you are very busy and cannot devote time for workout in the morning, then workout in the evening hours is a must. You should go to a  gym or practice yoga or do simple running exercises to keep the body active and agile. Cardiovascular exercises improve blood circulation and enhance the strength of the body. It prevents blockages in arteries and also uplifts the mood.
  • Balanced life-  It is important for the proper functioning of life. Devoting too many hours to work may hamper family life and also results in poor mental health. Just like a balanced diet, every aspect of life is important. Work, family, hobbies, social interaction, etc play an important role in maintaining your personality and affect health in some or the other way. Anything in excess will bring  mismanagement in life and become the cause of stress.
  • Thoughts-  We ignore our thinking patterns and thoughts which come to our mind from time to time. It might seem that it has no relation with fitness and our body, but it is the cause of many emotions we reflect in our behavior which in turn affects our health. Feeding our minds with good thoughts is like feeding our body with healthy food. We can neither ignore our mental health nor the disorders which occur when it is ignored.
  • Following intellectuals- We can implement those ideas from the life of intellectuals which is easy and suits our personality. We should never blindly copy anyone but implementing ideas with basic logical reasoning is good.
  • Yoga-practicing– Yoga in the early morning or evening improves body flexibility and cures diseases. Pranayam and yogasana together help in improving blood circulation and also the decision making power of the mind. It can be practiced with the help of a trained yoga teacher.

These are some lifestyle changes which are necessary along with going to the gym, to improve fitness. They cannot be underestimated. Gyming is a part of a large package which is known as  lifestyle change. Fitness cannot be achieved in a day as it is a continuous process and needs to be followed religiously.

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