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Does Facebook Need My Email address?

by Chhavi Madaan

While you are creating a Facebook account, you need to fill in various details such as your name, last name, email address, date of birth, phone number, etc. The details are necessary because it helps people to find you on Facebook. Yes, Facebook asks for an email address and contact number for verification purposes.

Many people create a Facebook account and do not use it regularly and after a long time when they want to log in to their account, they need an email ID and password. In such cases, when you forgot the password, you can reset the password with the help of an email ID that you used for creating the account.

If you find any mishappening in your account, you can take legal action or report your issue to the Facebook help center. Facebook will take strict action and provide you with the solution soon.

Facebook uses your email address to keep your account safe and protected from unknown sources, fake login attempts, and illegal activities. If any unknown activity is found on your account you get an alert on the email ID. The email address helps you to login into your account.

Facebook allows you to create one account per email address for security reasons and protect your account from malicious users. It means you can use the email ID once, and can not use the same email ID to create  another account.

Facebook requires your email address for communication purposes as it can not directly connect with its users. With the help of email addresses, Facebook communicates with its users. Facebook provides the notification of each activity, on your email address. For example – if someone commented on your photo or liked your picture, then you will get a notification on your email.

In case you have changed your email ID or the email is not working properly, you can easily add, change, and remove an email address. The steps of removing the email id from your Facebook account are:

  1. Go to the settings option 
  2. Click on personal information 
  3. Tap on contact information 
  4. You will see the email address 
  5. Click on the email you want to remove, and click on confirm.

You must provide the correct email ID and contact number to avoid inconvenience. Facebook does not misuse your personal information.  Feel free to provide the right details as Facebook is a liable and trusted platform.

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