Home » The Role of Testosterone in Male Development and Sexual Health

The Role of Testosterone in Male Development and Sexual Health

by Chhavi Madaan

What images or ideas spring to mind when you consider testosterone? Tough guys? Dominant, impatient, and aggressive? How about some road rage? Violence?

As Tim Allen once said, “In my experience, it’s all wonderful with girls until about 16. Around that time, boys kind of calm down and start focusing on their testosterone. Girls get a little challenging, especially for fathers.”

There’s a lot of confusion about what exactly testosterone is; let us clear it up for you!

What is Testosterone?

Like other animals, humans produce their own version of the hormone testosterone. The production of testosterone is predominantly accomplished by the testicles in males. Ovaries in women also produce testosterone, albeit in considerably lower quantities than those in males.

The principal male hormone known as testosterone controls spermatogenesis, male sex characteristics, sex differentiation, and fertility. The foetus is where testosterone’s effects are first noticed. 

Both males and females have identical reproductive tissues for the first six weeks of development. The SRY starts the development of the testicles at about week 7 in gestation.

Sex drive (libido), bone mass, fat distribution, muscular mass and strength, and erythrocyte and spermatozoon production are all thought to be controlled by this hormone in men. 

Estradiol is produced by converting a little quantity of testosterone in the bloodstream. Since testosterone production declines with ageing in men, so does estradiol production. 

As a result, the reduction in estradiol commonly accompanies testosterone deprivation may be responsible for the observed abnormalities.

As Sylvester Stallone rightly said, “Testosterone to me is so important for a sense of well-being when you get older.”

Testosterone was originally utilised as a therapeutic medicine as early as 1937, although, at the time, very little was known about the mechanisms underlying its action.

The ‘Why’ Behind Testosterone 

The most common association with testosterone is that of sex drive, and it also plays an essential part in the creation of sperm. 

The idea that testosterone causes aggressiveness is generally untrue. In addition, testosterone is involved in a variety of other surprising ways in both health and illness. 

Did you know, for instance, that testosterone plays a significant role in the development of prostate cancer? Perhaps you think women don’t require testosterone. Testosterone contributes to more than only negative behaviour in men.

Boys who reach puberty without enough testosterone might not develop into mature men. It’s possible, for instance, that the genitalia won’t develop regularly, the person won’t grow much hair everywhere, and their voice won’t deepen.

Additionally, testosterone controls secondary male traits, which give men their masculinity. Male hair patterns, vocal alterations, voice deepening, and anabolic effects, such as the growth of spurts during puberty and skeletal muscular growth, are among these secondary sex traits. 

The hormone testosterone can influence a man’s disposition.

What, then, are low and high testosterone levels, respectively?

Low levels of testosterone

Symptoms of low testosterone, often known as low T levels, in males. It might include reduced libido leads to less metabolic waste and weight gain.

High levels of testosterone

Abnormally high amounts of testosterone in men can cause impotence, a decrease in sperm count, and the atrophy of the testicles. 

Testosterone booster? Haven’t you heard of it yet? Let us tell you!

Having trouble getting or keeping an erection is a common problem among men and can hurt romantic relationships.

Testosterone boosters such as Testogen can be a fruitful decision in increasing testosterone levels. Testogen is completely natural and has the necessary building blocks to generate more testosterone and sustain that production in the body. You can read the Testogen review here to learn more about the product, its ingredients, and how it works. 

Furthermore, if your primary concern is to boost sexual drive, then Male Extra can help. 

It is said that Male Extra can improve a man’s sexual performance, energy level, and endurance. You can read the Male Extra review here to learn about the project. 

Putting It All Together

The reputation of testosterone is far less accurate than the reality. The right amount of testosterone is essential for appropriate growth and development in both sexes. However, it’s not apparent what the ideal testosterone level should be.

A simple blood test can tell your doctor your testosterone levels. It’s better to consult your doctor before you even start taking up any supplements.

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