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Reasons to Invest Your Money in Ethereum

by Chhavi Madaan

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference. These apps run on a custom-built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property. This enables developers to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract), and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middle man or counterparty risk

The Ethereum Virtual Machine

Ethereum’s appeal is that it’s built-in a way that enables developers to create any rules for transactions. This makes Ethereum a programmable blockchain, enabling a whole host of use cases that weren’t previously possible with the Bitcoin protocol – things like derivatives and payment channels that don’t rely on a central party. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a technology that helps facilitate all these new rules.

Reasons to Invest Your Money in Ethereum

It’s Growing in Popularity

It is the first Turing Complete 1 programming language blockchain. It has a present market cap of $26 Billion, but this is sure to rise as more and more people become aware of Ethereum and see its potential.

Valuations Are on The Rise

If you bought Ethereum when it was worth around $10 per Ether, your investment would have soared to over $300 USD by the end of 2017. That’s a serious return on your money that no conventional financial vehicle could provide.

Extremely Fast Transaction Speeds

Each block feature in Ethereum network is capable of handling higher amounts of data as compared to the Bitcoin Blockchain, as it has a specific code-language which makes it almost 50% faster than Bitcoin.

Extremely Low Fees

Transaction fees for Ethereum have been considerably reduced now. It’s now cheaper than ever before to execute smart contracts from users from all over the world. This is another reason why more and more investors and users are turning towards to Ethereum.

Also Read: Reasons to Invest Your Money in A Cryptocurrency Today

It Could Be The Future Of Banking

Ethereum could be used to make secure, tamper-proof transactions for anything from the purchase of a home to insurance premiums and share trading. Some analysts estimate that one day Ethereum might even replace traditional banks.

You Can Trade on Exchanges Like Binance

Ethereum can be traded like any other cryptocurrency. You can buy it on an exchange, sell it on the open market for profit, or trade it with another person for cash

Security is Top-notch

The technology powering Ethereum is incredibly secure and has never been hacked since its launch back in 2015. That’s an incredible record when compared to other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Dash that have been hacked in the past.

It Can Already Be used To Buy Goods

Ethereum is being used to buy goods and services all over the world. Some of the biggest companies in the world are implementing Ethereum smart contracts to their payment systems, including Microsoft, IBM, Samsung, and JPMorgan Chase.


Bitcoin is the world’s most popular and valuable cryptocurrency. Ethereum comes in second and Ripple stands at third. However, Ethereum has a lot of scope to grow and that’s what excites the crypto community – the possibility of making big gains. And although it’s facing some scaling issues right now, we believe that there’s a good chance that Ethereum will be able to fix them and become the world’s leading cryptocurrency in 2018.

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