Home » 10 Things to Do Daily That Can Make You Feel happier

10 Things to Do Daily That Can Make You Feel happier

by Chhavi Madaan

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Happiness is unquestionably contextual, but there are some universal elements. There are some variations you can make and behavioral patterns you can shape that, as per research, will increase your happiness levels – regardless of who you are

Here are ten simple steps that can be taken in your regular living to increase your enjoyment.

Drinking a lot of water

Drinking a lot of water

Drinking more water is one of the best and easiest ways to create a happy and fulfilling life. People who consume a glass of water immediately as they awoke and then one every other hour during the day have higher energy levels and more positive feelings than those who do not intake quite so much water



Meditating isn’t just for religious folks; studies have shown that exercising relaxation techniques on a routine basis grows everyday experiences of good feelings. As a result, overall life enjoyment rises while depression and anxiety fall. Meditation is extremely beneficial because it compels the individual to discharge bad emotions, stay fully present, and handle his or her inhaling. This reduces tension and fear, making people much joyful.

Getting a good night’s sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep improves your satisfaction with life. Indeed, more than 90% of people consider themselves “completely happy” and get at least 7 hours and 6 minutes of sleep each night. People who perceive themselves “most often joyful” get a slight bit less sleep: seven hours each night


Workout on a regular basis not only enhances your physical well-being, but it also enhances your psychological well-being. Taking three 20-minute walks each week can have a significant impact. Over 70% of those who did so reported feeling pleased than those who took medicine but did not exercise. Attaching more progression to your daily existence, whether it’s going for a morning workout or joining a gym session after work, will do miracles for your pleasure.


Taking a moment to discover something new each day will also help you be extremely happy. According to studies, making an attempt to study fresh stuff increases a sense of happiness and dignity in the number of folks



It has been shown that effectively instructing somebody something fresh increases morale and contentment in approximately 63 percent of adults. Anyone who has taught knows how satisfying it is to see a student grasp a new phenomenon with your help

Utilizing optimistic words

Scientists found that using at least three positive statements per day to show appreciation increases joy and contentment

Developing interests

Developing interests

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leoAccording to a study conducted, participants who appreciated their interests more than their professions reported higher levels of satisfaction than others who did not. This implies that if you focus less on making a profit and more on developing new interests that you love, you will have a much more positive mindset overall.

Being unselfish

According to studies, 78 percent of people who spend time assisting others – specifically, spending cash on others – potentially boost their own contentment. It appears illogical, but according to the studies, this may be owing to the belief that participants of the expenditure’s express appreciation. Funders also have emotions of selflessness, which add to their contentment. Simply put, when you assist someone else, you feel better about yourself

Disconnecting from social feed

Disconnecting from social feed

At last, signing off from your social media accounts can bring you happiness rather than being bonded to the display. According to a recent survey, 45 percent of the population who were unable to connect their social networking sites or e – mails felt nervous or anxious, but putting these internet technologies on hold increased the overall sense of relaxation and contentment in the long term.

By removing yourself from social media on a regular basis, you can prevent equating yourself to everyone else and reduce anxiety issues about interacting one on one, both of which will make you feel delighted.

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